Paddle the Gulf is committed to making our website accessible. As part of that effort, Paddle the Gulf has adopted certain standards for this site’s development from the following best practices:

  • Website standards for accessible design set forth by the U.S. Department of Justice under the Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
  • Web content accessibility guidelines as provided by the World Wide Web Consortium.

Reports Posted on 

We are currently working on making all documents such as Microsoft Word and PDF documents posted on our website to be ADA compliant. If there is a document you need access to that is not accessible please get in touch with us at the contact information listed below.

If you use assistive technology, for example a screen reader, and have difficulty accessing information on the site, please contact us at Please provide the web address of the material you tried to access, the problem you experienced, and your contact information so that you can receive the necessary assistance.

To report ADA issues, please click here.